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Customer Service, Executive Virtual Assistant
Virtual Assistant
Expected Payout

$3 per hour

Educational Attainment


24 hrs/wk

Experience Overview

Basic Information


Hello, I am Darlene and I am currently residing at Consolacion Cebu, Philippines. It got my interest to apply to your company when I saw your advocates from your ads and it stated 'exceed expectation and have fun while on it' which means providing exceptional services towards the client without compromising the work life balance of their employee. This thought catches my attention and aiming to work with the team. The most enticing task of a VA that caught me most is managing data and making arrangements for the client because it's a challenge for me at the same time fun to do with organizing their data and schedules. The competencies and skills needed to be successful in this field are adaptability, organizational awareness and continuous learning as we go along the journey.



  • Healthcare Virtual Assistants
  • Logistics & Trucking Virtual Assistants
  • Online Education Virtual Assistants


  • Customer Service
  • Executive Virtual Assistant

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