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Administrative service
Virtual Assistant
Expected Payout

$5 per hour

Educational Attainment


30 hrs/wk

Experience Overview

Basic Information


My name is Justine Tadia and I am 20 years of age. I am a strong communicator, an excellent collaborator, and focused problem solver, and aware. I have experience in dealing with customers and working on time-sensitive projects, I am a high achiever. For example, in my previous company, I was one of the chosen outstanding employees of the month for I excelled in all metrics and closed a lot of sales that gave a lot of profit for the company. If you hire me, I’ll be a great role model in the company and a supportive co-worker, and I will take ownership of my ongoing professional development so I can always add value to my team and to the company.



  • Human Resources Virtual Assistants


  • Administrative service

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