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Administrative service, Customer Service
Social Media and Customer Support Associate
Expected Payout

$3 per hour

Educational Attainment


40 hrs/wk

Experience Overview

Basic Information


I've had a diverse journey in the professional world. Initially, I dove into the finance realm, handling credit card applications with finesse and ensuring smooth customer experiences. Moving into healthcare, I became an expert in navigating the complexities of health card authorizations, advocating for patients' needs with precision. Then, I transitioned into employee services, where I specialized in accommodating various applicant requests, emphasizing inclusivity and tailored support. Shifting gears, I embraced the world of social media and customer support, engaging audiences and resolving issues with a personal touch. Finally, I honed my communication skills further as an appointment setter and cold-calling pro, adept at initiating connections and fostering relationships. Each role has shaped me, allowing me to weave together a tapestry of experiences that revolve around client care, support, and proactive outreach.



  • Healthcare Virtual Assistants
  • Human Resources Virtual Assistants
  • Logistics & Trucking Virtual Assistants
  • Marketing Virtual Assistants


  • Administrative service
  • Customer Service

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