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Administrative service, Executive Virtual Assistant, Marketing Services
Virtual Assistant
Expected Payout

$7 per hour

Educational Attainment


40 hrs/wk

Experience Overview

Basic Information


Hello, thank you for the opportunity. I'm Jason, a 4th-year undergraduate of BS in Business and Accountancy. In my professional journey, I've accumulated valuable experience, spending two years as a Virtual Assistant Property Acquisitions Manager. This role allowed me to efficiently manage a team, collaborate across departments, and negotiate property acquisitions successfully. Moreover, my eight years as a Global Support Specialist have equipped me with diverse skills in customer care, technical support, and problem-solving. I thrive in dynamic environments and am adept at using various software tools to ensure accurate and confidential data management. I believe my unique blend of academic background and hands-on experience positions me as a strong candidate for a VA role. I'm enthusiastic about contributing my skills to enhance your team's efficiency and success. Thank you for considering my application.



  • Property Management Virtual Assistants
  • Marketing Virtual Assistants


  • Administrative service
  • Executive Virtual Assistant
  • Marketing Services

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